Equality, diversity and inclusion

To create an inclusive culture, the trust aims to develop an environment where diversity is truly valued.

If it is to deliver its vision, the trust states that it must recognise that discrimination exists in society, in workplaces and in healthcare, and take proactive steps to address inequalities. The Trust’s priorities for equality, diversity and Inclusion are:

  • Making sure everyone who works for NWAS has fair job and career progression opportunities which will improve diversity and representation at all levels of the organisation.
  • Educating and developing our leaders and people to improve understanding of racism, discrimination and cultural
    competence to deliver a step change in the experience of our people and patients.
  • Using patient data and experience to drive improvements in access and health inequalities, for people from diverse communities.

Disability Confident Leader

As a Disability Confident Leader we are committed to recruit, retain and develop staff who are disabled and have long-term health conditions.

As the executive champion of the Disability Network, I am delighted that the trust has been successfully recognised as a Disability Confident Leader. This confirms our continued commitment to getting the right people into the organisation and keeping and developing our people. Through the work of the network, we will continue to make sure that everyone has the best experience of joining and working for the trust.

Carolyn Wood, Direcor of Finance